All Pro Alliance

In Process - 1151 Queen St. E.

Previously the home of a busy 7-Eleven, now occupied by a pop-up art gallery, 1151 Queen St. E. at Larchmount Avenue, has been redeveloped into a mixed-use, six-storey, rental building.

Just the facts:

-In April 2018, the project’s developer, Hullmark, applied for a rezoning and site plan approval to build a 77-foot-tall residential building

-The building’s gross floor area will be a total of 42,587 square feet; 37,733 square feet of which will be used for residential purposes.

-The developer wants to construct 52 rental units; 40 one-bedroom units and 12 two-bedroom apartments.

— 4,855 square feet of this project have been set aside for ground-floor retail space on Queen Street East

-The proposed development would include 323 square feet of indoor amenity space on the ground floor, 603 square feet on the sixth floor, and 1,384 square feet of outdoor amenity space also on the sixth floor.

-The project will also include a single-level of underground parking with 26 spaces; 21 for residents, three for visitors, and two other spaces for car sharing and the retail space.

-52 bicycle spots (five short-term and 47 long-term) are also planned for this project.

January 17, 2021
All Pro Alliance

Industrial grating forms display fixtures inside Edition cannabis dispensary in Toronto

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All Pro Alliance

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